Well, onto the summer RR templates we march. Those dirty brick textures are so welcome here, even the "dust" spots are rarely needed.
Yes, I am a sucker for punishment. This RR#2 was one of my masochistic attempts at bending height map element of the editor to my indomitable will. It is amazing what one can do if they set their mind to it. The bridge is actually underground - just brought up by DeltaZ manipulations of its template (clever, aren't I?).
Sometimes it is really hard to understand why the AI is puzzled. Scripting problems, inadequate PC, etc. But in this case, after examining that sign that the trio of my favorite testers are staring at I realized that Rocco's Papa and Mama would both be proud of him if instead of "4-N-spider-N" he would read that Russian sign as it should be read - "Chizhi".
Oh, and no gossipping is allowed at that station - "Shhhh"