Friday, May 04, 2012

Russia: Storehouse (redone)

     ( Technically it was Britain, not Russia, but regardless... )

     In the editor a template marked as "Storehouse" drew my attention. I decided to play around with it by changing the height map, adding buildings, fences, etc.
     I couldn't stand the vanilla dirt road spots that looked like a tank brigade or a herd of bulldozers just passed through. So I concentrated my efforts on creating realistic truck tracks.

     Multiple sub-templates I consequently created for this encounter managed to occupy my attention for some time.

     But it wasn't enough. So I decided to create another variant.

     With more buildings, asphalt road, barb wire and so on.

     Now it started becoming real fun...

      ...especially in situations when several trucks are transporting explosives or fuel - with one carefully aimed bullet one can literally destroy the whole place ( I tweaked the radius, penetrating ability and some other properties for those items ). Very satisfying!

Germany: Uncle's House

      One of the possible "bases" for German main character. Since he grew up in his uncle's house (who is a diplomat, by the way) that's where he returns in times of need (from time to time).

     I'll need to add it to some small town, otherwise it appears somewhat small.

Germany: Road and Crop (redone)

     It is a remake of a template known as "Road and Crop" (one of the random encounters in S^2).

     The Height map proved to be a bit of a challenge but nothing I couldn't overcome.

Germany (Italy?): Monastery

     At first I built a huge church. The building itself was taking up a full 64x64 template, with three stories up and two down. After I filled it with all the necessary furniture I realized I needed something more compact and at the same time in line with the Catholic - Nazi escape routes. And that's when this monastery was born. The menacing wall texture was borrowed and reworked from the spooky fence to complete the set.

Germany: Manor

     German manor. One of my earlier templates.

     I remember being facinated with the dark and spooky fence in the editor. I knew it then I simply had to use it for something. I believe it was used in the "Capture colonel" Koch mission in the original S^2.

Germany: Highway

     The original idea I had was to make an encounter on a highway, complete with lane markings, road signs, shoulders and parking lots. This one has a gas station in it.

     The gas (benzene, petrol) pump was made using 'scientific device' by changing its texture, increasing it in size and adding a heavy explosion to its 2nd destruction phase.

     Same template - different variant. Here we have some shops to visit: a hardware store and a florist.

       New window awnings (called "shop shed" in S^2) were designed in the process.

Finland: Forest

     Finnish forest. Sandy terrain, lots of pines and noble looking mushrooms (I haven't added those little guys yet, lol).
     This is just a sample. Here I was trying to recreate their forest roads. Finns used to cover them with logs. Very industrious and clever those Northerners are.

      Even in the worst weather (dirt and mud) one can count on them.

Germany: Strawberry Farm

     A small farm. I'll probably make a larger template for it. All these 40x40 and 48x48 feel a bit claustrophobic.

     The "flowers" from the pots have been turned into strawberries. Yummy! It must have been the work of that fertilizer in green bags.

Germany: City Shops

     City shops. I had to pull the warrior lady texture from Sentinels, as it was missing. Oh, Novik, why hath you thrown out so much Gut schtuff?

     Yes, I am going with half-timber again. I just love that look! Don't you?

Germany: Bernau Hotel

     Hotel in Bernau. Next to a gas station ruins. While working on my "ever expanding plot" I stumbled upon a town called Bernau. It's located to the north-east of Berlin and is apparently known for its awesome beer. Let's see what I can do about that. Cheers!

     I plan for one of the main missions to take place here.

     Hotel interior. Now, in the basement there is a umm... No, I'll keep my mouth shut, for now.