Saturday, September 13, 2008

Colonel Mikhalev's (a.k.a. "Mikhailich") new HQ

      The address says "Ogare/V.A. Strabe 6. If you remember the original H&S had Peterstrabe 38 as the address of the first mission. It is obviously a cultural reference to Petrovka 38, which is Moscow Criminal Police HQ address. Ogareva 6 is a Leningrad/St.Petersburg Criminal Police HQ.
     Anyway, that is Mikhailich's new base of operations where he resides during work hours. This particular mission is all huge sequence, giving the player a lot of information about what's going on. 
     Yes, the successful completion of the previous big mission (unraveling of "Operation Tornado" and neutralizing the threat it presented) - everyone got promotions. Lt.Colonel Mikhalev - to Colonel, Colonel Kuzmenko - to General, etc.

     Here we'll see:
   - General Kuzmenko (of MGB) consulting Mihailich (from counter-intelligence) about a radiogram they intercpted
   - Colonel talking to one of his underlings
   - The overview of the new HQ

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