Here are some plot snippets:
A former NKVD/MGB operative is sent into the West Berlin to investigate recent disappearance of one of the Soviet agents in the region. There are many factions to interact with, gain favor or provoke hostilities...
After the "Berlin Blockade" fiasco, Soviet command is well aware of Germans' pro-American sentiments.
...German Communists, Neo-Nazi groups are struggling to get the upper hand in the "besieged" city of West Berlin...
...Various criminal organizations are busy supplying the huge Allied garrison with booze and girls...
...For reasons unknown a quarantine is set by the newly appointed Military Governor of W.B. - M.Taylor in Grunewald and Spandau. Americans are tight lipped about the incident but the "green mist of death" rumours are spreading like wildfire across the city and the surrounding areas...
...CIA office in Berlin might contain some critical information about the activities of Gehlen Organization...
...The missing RHSA archives could shed some light on the allied intelligence operations and the many former Nazis they are imploying...
...III Reich loot..., etc.
you get the idea!